Wednesday, February 17, 2010


OK. So the estimate came back from the guys who did the inspection. $450 to clear off and tarp the roof. $1500 to take out a 4' x 13' piece of ceiling and put a temporary fan and dehumidifier up there to dry it out. No mention of putting the ceiling back, just leaving a giant hole. W. T. F. Sounds suspiciously close to our $2000 deductible to me.  Hell, I can take out a 4' x 13' piece of ceiling and put  a fan and dehumidifier up there for nothing. I'm of a good mind to take a sledgehammer and start right now. 

Jonathan called our insurance company to see what the deal is. They're getting back to us. 


  1. We're not going to use these guys. They're ripping off our insurance company, I'm pretty sure. There's no way this is a $2000 repair. My friend Bob is a contractor in the Chicago area, and he broke the ceiling repair costs down for me like this:

    "2 Sheets drywall, mud, screws, Paint, misc supplies etc no more than $75-$100. Demolition Maybe $125 with clean up. Do it yourself, save $100-$200 in labor. Roof Tarping.. diff Story. Paying someone to climb on snowy roof is challenging, but, not worth more that $100-$250. Blue Roofing Tarp costs $50. It is only my opinion... "
